What’s the Buzz about?
At Play Boutique, we’re all about giving families what they need to thrive. The Buzz is our way of bringing you resources, articles, craft ideas, and so much more to make the most of your time playing together. Time to get busy, little bees!
Nutrition For Toddlers Who Are Picky Eaters
Is your toddler a picky eater? Feeding a toddler is often a thankless task. Since they began to walk, metabolisms have slowed down, and toddlers need less to eat. Unfortunately, they want to control everything they put into their mouths and rarely want what you offer.
Dealing With Oppositional Defiant Behaviors
As your child reaches their second year in life they’ll begin to develop a view of themselves as separate and independent from you. This is mostly due to toddlers having gained control over their physical movements. Your toddler can now pull away from you and explore things that were formerly out of reach.
Separation and Stranger Anxiety for Babies
Separation and stranger anxiety can present an alarming change for parents because the baby can be happy and calm one day and quite disturbed the next. Like many other big changes during your baby’s development, separation and stranger anxiety is normal.
The following chart outlines the stage of attachment, the parent’s role, and the preschool teacher’s role.
Coping with a Crying Child
Nothing is more touching to new parents than the cry of their baby, but your crying baby may present a dilemma to you. If you respond promptly to crying, you might feel you will spend all of your time responding to crying. A good understanding of the causes of crying and the consequences of letting children cry without a prompt adult response will help you approach crying children in the best way possible.