What’s the Buzz about?

At Play Boutique, we’re all about giving families what they need to thrive. The Buzz is our way of bringing you resources, articles, craft ideas, and so much more to make the most of your time playing together. Time to get busy, little bees!

Fun Family St. Patrick’s Day Activities to Enjoy All Month Long

St. Paddy’s Day is a fun time for kids all month long! Sure you can wear your cutest St. Patrick’s Day outfit on March 17, but all month long, break out all the green you have, it’s time to get the festivities rolling with some fun St. Patrick’s Day activities. Luckily, there are so plenty of great ideas for the whole family to engage in all month long.

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toddler, development Kelley Peake toddler, development Kelley Peake

Separation and Stranger Anxiety for Babies

Separation and stranger anxiety can present an alarming change for parents because the baby can be happy and calm one day and quite disturbed the next. Like many other big changes during your baby’s development, separation and stranger anxiety is normal.

The following chart outlines the stage of attachment, the parent’s role, and the preschool teacher’s role.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

Is Your Child Ready for Potty Training

The entire process of potty training your child can take anywhere from six months to twelve months from the day they start exhibiting the signs that they’re ready.

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toddler, parenting, emotions, development Kelley Peake toddler, parenting, emotions, development Kelley Peake

Coping with a Crying Child

Nothing is more touching to new parents than the cry of their baby, but your crying baby may present a dilemma to you. If you respond promptly to crying, you might feel you will spend all of your time responding to crying. A good understanding of the causes of crying and the consequences of letting children cry without a prompt adult response will help you approach crying children in the best way possible.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

Learning Through Play

Children ages birth to three years learns differently than older children. Young children tend to learn through their senses of tasting, touching, hearing, seeing, and smelling more so than from adult instruction or preschool worksheets.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

How to Encourage Independence in Toddlers

Success in achieving age- and stage-appropriate autonomy and independence throughout childhood has a profound impact on the way children mature. Children are naturally motivated to make things happen.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

Thumbs, Pacifiers and Security Items

As you get to know your baby, there will be many parenting decisions you have to make. Many of these decisions seem very difficult when you are faced with them, but can be considered rather directly. Let’s talk about three important issues that you might face as a new parent.

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parenting, child care Kelley Peake parenting, child care Kelley Peake

Encouraging Your Toddler to Clean Up

There are some tools that parents use to help a toddler recognize the time has arrived for picking up their things. You can use an egg timer to ding in five minutes after giving your toddler a five-minute warning that clean up time is arriving. Giving your toddler a visual or noise-maker signal when you want them to switch gears will help your toddler develop a natural routine for picking up their toys.

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

10 Tips to Build a Better Bedtime Routine

Remember those chaotic days when your baby knew no difference between days and nights. It appeared that you wouldn’t get past this phase of sleeplessness and overwhelm.

But you did!

Those days are over now and you can get some sleep at night. Still, this sleep is not enough. You want more peace. The good news is that you can have it.

The key lies in empowering our children to be more independent. And empowering independent yet sound and healthy sleep in your children is just one favor you can do to yourself.

So, how do you do it? Here’s a complete guide

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

New Year’s Me Time

With the busy holiday season coming to a close, it's tempting to spend New Year's Day horizontal on the couch in your most comfortable pajamas, doing a whole lot of nothing. After a whirlwind month of holiday chaos (not to mention a potentially late New Year's Eve night), doing nothing might be exactly what you think you need. And after a crazy 2020, we really can't blame you!

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Kelley Peake Kelley Peake

Holiday Family Fun Activities

Make the most of the holiday season and spend some special moments with your family. Print this list of festive activities to hang on your fridge, and check them off as you go along.

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Olivia August Olivia August

Pros and Cons of Screen Time for Kids

As you may or may not have realized by now, parenting in the 21st century is a lot different from the

experience we might have had as children decades ago. In fact, nowadays there are all these new

problems with which parents are faced as they give birth to digital natives, who seem to exit the womb

with computer, tablet and smartphone know - how.

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